The BMW Z4 received in the United States in October 2002 appeared in Europe in March 2003. Like his predecessor, the car is available in the United States at the factory in Spartanburg.

The BMW Z4 easily combines the two. This is a classic roof at the same time emphasizes the Z4 sports of fast-bending bonnet, long wheelbase and low seat.

Protuberant and curves and surfaces make splendid play of light and shadow. Strong lines are interspersed with gentle curves. Ideal flat steel surface and excellent skin significantly enrich every detail. It appears from the BMW Z4 is thallium. Its form "saying" the door behind which the body like expanding.

Notch on the door of the top limited clear from the brink of the lap, and the bottom - just as sharply defined "rib stiffness" high threshold.

Completing the picture slashes, boldly held upwards from the front wheels to the frame of the front windshield. Character lining sink BMW surrounded by radiant chrome and double Xenon headlamps (option), with integrated fog lamps, attached Z4 elegant and unflagging form. Here are just a heavy chuck looks strange, if not from the opera. The standard Z4 2.5i invited elegant curtain fabric with mechanical actuation.
BMW Z4 Interior

The analogy with "Seven" is the Z4 interior. Nothing in common with the original "driving" the panel deployed console to the driver. This concept interior, which in the 1970s came to BMW genius Paul Marriage, in Munich cultivated for decades. All the necessary information you have in front of you with appliances. Rudder, a small, unemployed, with a leather collar and incredibly stylish iron spokes. Micro design in the BMW Z4 at the height developed every detail, whether protective arc of chairs, hand handcuffed or door panels, "crossed" special "twisted" pens.

Particularly good indoor sports version of "metal" finish. "Sports" seats for the driver and passenger are standard on the Z4. Black leather "Oregon" (it) will make your impressions of the trip even more attractive. In some versions Comfort warmth only a box of wood, substitute silver plastic panels with aluminum.
BMW Z4 Engine

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